An Integrative Conceptualization for Copyright Management in a Business Context

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Rahayu Mardikaningsih
Didit Darmawan


Copyright protection in the business context, especially in the digital age, has become essential to ensure the sustainability of the company. This paper proposes an integrative conceptualization that highlights copyright implementation, management challenges and integrated strategies in the business environment. Integration of copyright in business strategy requires alignment with corporate objectives and recognition of associated risks and opportunities. It forms legal compliance and is a strategic element of creating added value and building competitive advantage. Complex challenges to managing copyright include unauthorized content dissemination, online copyright infringement, and digital regulatory uncertainty. Companies are exposed to reputational risk and changes in business models and technology that may affect copyright. An integrated copyright management strategy includes the implementation of a copyright management system, regular audits, external engagement, and policy advocacy. Success requires a combination of technology strategies, internal policies, employee education, and active legal oversight. This conceptualization provides contextual guidance that can be adapted to the company's business dynamics. By viewing copyright as both a strategic driver and a legal obligation, the concept offers a foundation for a company's adaptation to changing business and technological environments. The concept's implementation recommendations involve regular audits, establishment of internal policies, regular employee training, investment in copyright management systems, collaboration with external agencies, policy advocacy, reputational crisis management, and strategy updates in line with global regulations. With a focus on flexibility and adaptability, Integrative Conceptualization for Copyright Management in the Business Context provides a holistic view to achieve effective and sustainable copyright protection and management.

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