Laws and Policies Regarding Online Application-Based Transportation in Indonesia

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Sebastianus Priambodo
Ikhwanuddin Ikhwanuddin
Febrian Diagantara
Didit Darmawan
Suwito Suwito


In the current era of technological development, the development of innovation in the field of transportation is significantly influenced by the presence of online application-based transportation. This application-based transportation is a mode of transportation built to facilitate users in accessing transportation services. The existence of this online transportation service has become a subject of legal debate among law enforcers, especially related to the regulation of two-wheeled vehicles in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, which does not explicitly recognize online application-based transportation as a legal mode of transportation. This research tries to answer questions about legal arrangements related to online application-based public transportation as well as legal protection and legal relations of online application-based transportation drivers. This research uses normative juridical and empirical juridical approaches by collecting secondary data and primary data, including involving the East Java Provincial Transportation Office and online transportation drivers as resource persons. Data analysis was conducted using a qualitative approach. The results showed that the regulation of online application-based transportation in Indonesia is a form of legal policy or decision made by government officials to address concrete problems faced in terms of legislation, in accordance with Article 1 point 9 of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration. The purpose of the regulation is to fill the legal gap in online application-based transportation so that these activities have a clear legal basis. Meanwhile, legal protection for Go-Jek drivers as partners of PT Go-Jek Indonesia is still not optimal. This is due to the lack of regulation regarding the rights and obligations of the company PT Go-Jek in the agreement with Go-Jek drivers, which focuses more on the rights of the company without adequately regulating the obligations that must be fulfilled by the company PT Go-Jek.

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