Legal Safeguards for Employees Encountering Workplace Accidents

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Andika Dwi Octavianto
Mukhammad Isnaeni
Arif Rachman Putra
Cilda Thesisa Ilmawan Dzinnur
Akhmad Zulkarnain


Work accidents often threaten the welfare of every worker in the work environment. Based on this, this research aims to explore information regarding the implementation of legal protection for workers who experience work accidents, factors inhibiting the implementation of work accident insurance, and company efforts to overcome these problems. The research method used is normative law. The research results show that the implementation of legal protection for workers who experience work accidents has generally been implemented. However, there are several inhibiting factors, including the length of the process of claiming work accident insurance benefits. This situation can have a negative impact on the continuity of life of workers who experience accidents. Another contributing factor is the lack of labor inspectors at the Manpower and Transmigration Service, which can hamper supervision of the implementation of legal protection. The company's efforts to overcome this problem need to be increased, both through speeding up the claims process and improving the quality of supervision from related parties. In this way, the implementation of legal protection for workers who experience work accidents can be more effective and provide justice for workers who are victims of work accidents.

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