The Interplay of Legal Responsibilities in Cesarean Operations: A Study of Doctor-Patient Relationships within Hospital Settings

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Henny Kaseger
Desak Gede Sri Baktiasih
Andhike V. Harianto
Nana Indaryanti
Fayola Issalillah


The delivery process, especially involving a caesarean section, will definitely cause interaction between the doctor and the patient. The aim of this study is to obtain information regarding how the process of carrying out a caesarean section is carried out between doctors and patients. The normative approach method was used in this study to investigate the process of carrying out caesarean section operations between doctors and patients. The study results show that in carrying out caesarean section operations, there are administrative, legal, screening, observation and obtaining informed consent requirements from the patient. The patient or patient's family gives consent by signing a letter of consent for the medical procedure for caesarean section. With this approval, a caesarean section can be performed. An agreement between a doctor and a patient creates a legal relationship, which results in rights and obligations that must be fulfilled by each party. If an error occurs in the cesarean section agreement, the party proven to have made the error must be held responsible based on breach of contract and unlawful acts.

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