Reviewing Wage Policies to Ensure Employee Welfare

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Rahayu Mardikaningsih


This research is aimed at analyzing labor wage policies to ensure employee welfare. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis. The data sources used in the research are as follows, namely primary and secondary data. This research technique uses the snowball sampling technique, which is a technique for collecting sample data from data sources that are small in number but provide complete information, namely the HRD (human resource department) and production employees. The explanation for data collection for this research is the interview method, observation method, documentation method. Based on the results of the discussion and research, it was concluded that the policy on wages for workers was regulated in the Employment Law and the Collective Labor Agreement made and agreed upon by employees and the company. The wages of workers at the company are in accordance with the Regional Minimum Wage provisions and the payroll system is very good for its employees. This can be identified based on the company's payroll system which is not given every month but is given every week and employees are never given wages outside of that time. This shows that employees receive their salaries on time. In addition, employee rights and welfare have been fulfilled. For employees, the wage policy in the company where they work has advantages that can be felt by all employees, because comfort and welfare are based on the income earned. At the same time, employees are also more effective when completing their work. Apart from that, the company also provides employee welfare facilities in accordance with the company's and employees' ability to provide employee rights through welfare facilities. This facility is provided to create a harmonious relationship between the company and employees and create work enthusiasm for employees.

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