Vandalism and Law Enforcement: Preventive and Repressive Perspectives in Building Social Order

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Suwito Suwito
Terubus Terubus
Novritsar Hasitongan Pakpahan
Didit Darmawan
Muhammad Bangsu


Law enforcement against criminal acts of vandalism is a systematic effort to overcome and prevent the destruction of property and the environment by parties who violate social and legal norms. This research aims to explore and analyze effective law enforcement strategies in tackling criminal acts of vandalism. This research uses empirical juridical legal research, so the data collection method used is using data obtained from interviews and literature studies. Referring to the discussion that has been described regarding the obstacles faced in enforcing the law on vandalism, in responding to criminal acts of vandalism, law enforcement is the main pillar to ensure public safety and order. Through the hard efforts of law enforcement, the perpetrators of vandalism are faced with strict legal consequences. The punishment given is not only as a sanction, but also as a form of responsibility for actions that harm the environment and social values.

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